A personal account of Guy’s life story

This is the story of one man’s courage and determination to make a difference to those suffering with Parkinson’s be it at home or abroad. This autobiography opens the door onto Guy’s life journey over the past 60 years. Early days are Illustrated with some lighthearted stories from school and university and by various anecdotes drawn from his long and distinguished career in the army. They serve as a spotlight on this remarkable man, helping to define his character and personality and illustrate what motivates, inspires and drives him. All of this as a valuable prelude and backdrop to the day when Guy, aged 50, goes to hospital for some routine tests only to be told that he is suffering from Parkinson’s disease.

The real substance to the book is Guy’s remarkable life journey post diagnosis. It tracks his remaining years in the army and his decision, despite ever worsening health, to attempt a solo overland journey from his home town in Dorset through Europe and down the west coast of Africa to Cape Town, as a means of raising funds and awareness of Parkinson’s disease. Guy talks openly about the difficulties and frustrations of living with this debilitating condition, something that all Parkinson’s sufferers have to endure. In particular, he highlights the plight of Parkinson’s sufferers in Africa  where so many are shunned by their families and communities who believe the illness to be either a contagious disease or the work of black magic. Guy makes it his mission dispel this myth with countless TV and radio interviews across Africa, while also meeting up with numerous Parkinson’s sufferers and those individuals trying to help improve their situation. They share with him tales that are heartbreaking, humbling, uplifting and extraordinary.

The book moves constantly, taking the reader from the sands of the Sahara to the traffic-filled streets of Lagos, from the forests of Gabon to the gravel plains of Namibia, and there are countries along the way that some readers may never have heard about. Mishaps happen; and they are all too frequent. But, throughout his travels, Guy also experiences extraordinary kindness. Ultimately this book is far more than a fascinating travelogue. It's revealing of the mental journey that Parkinson’s sets in motion with, in Guy’s case, moments of soaring highs and bleak lows.

A truly inspiring, entertaining, uplifting and educational read, Guy remains fully committed to those few who do so much with so little. All proceeds from his book will be shared among the different Parkinson’s charities through The Deacon Foundation.

How to buy the book:

The book is available now from Amazon and can be ordered at the following link: Running on Empty

But please consider ordering directly from Guy. That way 50% of the cost goes to the Deacon Foundation rather than a mere 5%. To do this please send a cheque made payable to the Deacon Foundation to Kenley House, Chetnole, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 6NY With your name and address on the backside or by direct debit to The Deacon Foundation (Sortcode 30-99-50 acc no 28302963) and send a message with your name and address in the “contact us” section of this website.

The Cost to you for the book is the RRP of £9.99 in both methods.