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We know that Parkinson’s is a straightforward neurological condition, and if we tell everybody in Africa that this is the case, the provision of care by family members and professionals and the subsequent treatment and professional care will improve dramatically. it does not cost very much money to raise awareness and change people’s attitudes to the disease, but it does take some. What it does take is dedicated people in their own communities with a thorough understanding of the condition.

But they need support. Small things such as taxi rides, booking village halls, paying for speakers to run education sessions need to be paid for. And as often as not the most effective mentors who do so much to raise awareness at the lowest levels, have the least resources available to help them.

During my travels, I met some extraordinary people who are changing people’s lives for the better with almost no help at all. Just small sums of money will make their work so much more effective. This is why the proceeds from the book “Running on Empty” will be channelled to places where small grants will make a huge impact.